Here is an optical image of the impact area containing about the same detail (red box) as the infrared picture.
Here is an optical image of the impact area containing about the same detail (red box) as the infrared picture.
Here is an optical image of the impact area containing about the same detail (red box) as the infrared picture.
Here is an optical image of the impact area containing about the same detail (red box) as the infrared picture.

Die neue Redshift-Generation

Solar Eclipse by Redshift

Sonnenfinsternis by Redshift für iOS

Die Sonnenfinsternis am 21. August 2017 beobachten, verstehen und bestaunen! » mehr

Solar Eclipse by Redshift

Sonnenfinsternis by Redshift für Android

Die Sonnenfinsternis am 21. August 2017 beobachten, verstehen und bestaunen! » mehr