Galileo dispenser testing using the QUAD electrodynamic shaker during December 2010. The tests are using a qualification model of the dispenser, along with the with a pair of engineering models of Galileo IOV satellites, respectively the Structural Model (SM) and Structural and Thermal Model (STM).
Galileo dispenser testing using the QUAD electrodynamic shaker during December 2010. The tests are using a qualification model of the dispenser, along with the with a pair of engineering models of Galileo IOV satellites, respectively the Structural Model (SM) and Structural and Thermal Model (STM).
Galileo dispenser testing using the QUAD electrodynamic shaker during December 2010. The tests are using a qualification model of the dispenser, along with the with a pair of engineering models of Galileo IOV satellites, respectively the Structural Model (SM) and Structural and Thermal Model (STM).
Galileo dispenser testing using the QUAD electrodynamic shaker during December 2010. The tests are using a qualification model of the dispenser, along with the with a pair of engineering models of Galileo IOV satellites, respectively the Structural Model (SM) and Structural and Thermal Model (STM).

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